This summer, we’d love to have you stay with us on the Emory campus!
June 4–June 17, 2023, 2-week Policy Debate Institute ($2,000 for residents; $1,700 for commuters)
Since the founding of the Emory National Debate Institute in 1966, we have presented this curriculum, which is considered to be our trademark one. The bulk of the students attending the ENDI will participate in this session, which is designed for students of all experience levels, from those who have never debated before to those who have done so for a while.
Because they will be concentrating on the next high school topic, students who have the chance to compete in policy debate during the ordinary academic year are most qualified for this level.
Basics of Debate, Deliberation, and Dialogue 1-Week Course: June 4–10, 2023 or June 11–17, 2023