Ingenuity Year runs gap year programs for students with Learning Differences and ADHD . We help students develop skills, maturity, and independence that will serve them in college and beyond. We do this by engaging with real challenges facing real communities with a like-minded community of peers. Our programming is designed to combine the traditional benefits of a gap year with additional elements that are especially beneficial for students with Learning Differences and ADHD such as EF Coaching, the practice of self-advocacy, and a focus on building independence. You can think of us as a Gap+ experience. Seeking students who: Want to discover themselves and the world around them. Are curious about the world and their place in it. Enjoy getting their hands dirty. Are ready to spark their joy and find their passion. We engage with real challenges facing real communities and strive to understand how climate change is impacting all aspects of life in Maine. We work with executive functioning coaches to explore who we are as learners and humans and to develop strategies that work. We spark joy and discover our passions, learning how to let go of the voices telling us what we should be doing. We transition into independence and adulthood by knowing ourselves and the world more deeply. We invite you to smell the ocean air. Feel the wind against your cheeks. Hear the creak of the boat as you pull in the lobster pot off the coast of Maine. This is how we learn. The world is our teacher. Learn differently . This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.