Our mission at Greenbrier Academy is to mentor and empower adolescent girls and their families to create quality, healing intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships through inspired critical thinking, advanced therapeutics, college prep academics, and stimulating adventures. Your daughter’s academic success is a priority for you, and it is a mission for us. We have carefully constructed a rigorous curriculum that incorporates flexibility and contextual learning. Our academic approach takes Greenbriers overall philosophy of strong relationality and applies it specifically to learning and succeeding in the classroom. With the help of the Learning Specialist, teachers and students are able to tailor their academic studies to be as effective as possible. While knowledge is the amassing of information, wisdom is the application and judicious use of knowledge. We strive to create wise students. Our teachers are trained to use the Quantum Learning Model when developing lesson plans and choosing material. The Quantum Learning Model emphasizes contextual, hands on education. Information is presented in an understandable and applicable method. Instead of just learning information, it gives context for the information and creates relationships with other topics the students will learn. For example, mathematics can be taught by reviewing equations over and over, but it can be better understood by creating star charts, kites and other projects. This helps our students understand the application of the knowledge they learn, and it helps reinforce the learning. At Greenbrier, most of our classes have less than ten students. Teachers are expert at developing individual relationships with their students, and they take time to encourage curiosity and problem solving. College is a goal for many of our students, and some students come to find the value in a college degree after enrolling at Greenbrier. Historically, 100% of our seniors have gone on to college or university. Even students who have enrolled with deficient credits have been able to compose an effective academic plan that allowed them to make up for poor performance in their previous school and successfully enroll in higher education. For some, this was a goal they thought was unachievable. One of the greatest gifts a school can give its students is curiosity. Curiosity is the essence of being a lifelong learner. Our curriculum encourages students to ask why and to discover the answers themselves. Sometimes, students academic curiosity leads them to subjects that are not readily accessible. To address this, Greenbrier uses a respected online provider of courses if a student wants to pursue a subject outside the regular curriculum.