One of the premier schools in Jacksonville, Greenwood offers ADHD support, dyslexia resources, and a full curriculum for students with learning differences and difficulties. Academic accommodations are tailored to meet students learning styles, and to lead from concrete skills to abstract thinking. A Greenwood School Student: Greenwood Schools academics are enriched by a humanities department that includes art, drama, music, and physical education. In addition, opportunities for technology instruction and implementation are available in the classrooms, the computer lab, and in the library/media center. Unlike other schools in Jacksonville, Greenwood School gives students a unique opportunity to learn in the style that suits them best: auditory, visual or hands-on. Whats more, every classroom at Greenwood School offers six laptop computers for in-room student use. Teachers and students benefit from a sophisticated network of media technology available in the classrooms and media center. A rarity among schools in Jacksonville, Greenwood School is home to a remarkable natural environment. Ten acres of protected wetlands provide a backyard science lab that presents students with the opportunity to interact with nature up-close and in person.