The mission of Groves Academy is to enable people with learning, attention and language disorders to achieve success in school and in life. We provide small classes and specialized staff to teach students the skills needed to learn independently and engage in self-advocacy. Groves Academy is the leading school in Minnesota for students with learning disabilities and attention disorders, as well as a center for literacy instruction, education and advocacy. We serve students with learning disabilities and attention disorders, and provide support to parents and families in our community. Groves Academy is ideally suited for students who have a learning disability, such as dyslexia, and/or an attention disorder, such as ADHD, that affects academic achievement. We help students close the gap between their academic potential and achievement. We help students who want to learn. Groves Academy’s education options are not designed for disruptive or oppositional students, for students with emotional issues unrelated to a learning disability, for students with a diagnosis of autism or for students with developmental/cognitive delays. Groves Academy believes in the importance of education as a positive force in the lives of people who have learning, attention and language disorders. We believe that individuals with learning difficulties along with average intelligence and a desire to learn can become positive members of society. We believe that these individuals can confidently face their challenges and achieve greater success when the educational environment addresses their individual academic, social and emotional needs. We believe that for individuals to reach their full potentials, research-based teaching is essential. We are committed to helping individuals recognize and develop their strengths, compensate for their weaknesses, build effective learning strategies and ultimately become stronger self-advocates. We believe that self-confidence grows as individuals experience success in a community based on strong and caring relationships.