  • imageBusiness, Finance, & Entrepreneurship
  • imageCamps
  • imageCollege Prep Resources
  • imageCultural Arts (Theater, Music, Art, etc.)
  • imageExtracurricular Enrichment
  • imageGap Year Resources
  • imageInternship and Job Resources
  • imageNature and Outdoor Activities
  • imageSTEM (Science, Tech, Engineering, Math)
  • imageScholarship Opportunities and Resources
  • imageSports and Athletics
  • imageTest Prep Resources

At Hebron Academy, our mission is to inspire and guide students to reach their highest potential in mind, body, and spirit. Hebron Academy, located in Hebron, Maine, is a small, independent, college preparatory boarding and day school for boys and girls in grades six through postgraduate. Our core values are fundamental to the Hebron experience: Hebron offers a traditional college-preparatory curriculum with several AP and Honors options and with a breadth of offerings in subjects such as religion and philosophy, fine and performing arts, and environmental studies. The school is a member of the Cum Laude Society. Hebron’s offerings in fine and performing arts include design, drawing, sculpture, architecture, painting, photography, pottery, printmaking, studio art, music appreciation, music theory, individual vocal or music lessons, Chorus, Jazz band, and Orchestra. Annual performances include an all-school musical and student-directed one-act plays. Hebron’s competitive sports program includes cross country, field hockey, football, golf, mountain biking, and soccer in the fall; hockey, skiing, basketball, and snowboarding in the winter; and baseball, lacrosse, softball, tennis, and track and field in the spring. Outdoor skills programs are also available each season. A wide variety of activities include Community Service, Green Key (Admissions volunteers), Entrepreneurial & Leadership Program, Outing Club, Chess Club, Math Team, Spectator (yearbook), Etchings (literary magazine), Gay/Straight Alliance, and participation in a rock band. Formal leadership roles include class officers, senior proctors, peer tutors and athletic team captains. The Academic Support Center provides assistance to students who have the aptitude to succeed in a traditional school environment but who may have mild learning differences or lack adequate study strategies and organizational skills.

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