Satori Camp is the brainchild of Dr. Bruce Mitchell, and Mike Cantlon, and grew out of their mutual concern over the lack of opportunities for gifted youth to socialize in a non-competitive setting. Satori is now entering its 38th year serving children ages 12-18. The camp is based on a philosophy of non-competition; unlike many other enrichment programs for gifted youth. What they get is an opportunity to interact with intellectual peers, and engage in all sorts of stimulating activities Literally, the word Satori is Japanese for Ah Ha! It originally represented a state of enlightenment sought in Zen Buddhism. Its an exploration of the mind and the unknown. Its the insight you achieve only after expending a good deal of your energy and imagination. Satori is the sense of joy that comes from learning. During camp, participants choose three classes from amongst the course offerings, taking these each day during their week at camp. The camps course offerings feature a wide variety of classes that introduce campers to areas of inquiry that they may not have been previously exposed to including multimedia design, journalism, brain science, sculpture, archaeology, acting, literary criticism, and many more. Campers have the option to live on Eastern Washington Universitys campus for the duration of camp and enjoy the various amenities available on a typical university campus, including the academic facilities and recreational facilities.