The Epiphany School of Global Studies, is a college-preparatory and globally-focused school for grades K-12 where dynamic and innovative learning is stretched beyond the classroom walls, emphasizing the knowledge, skills, creativity, adaptability, curiosity, and international experiences students will need to flourish in an increasingly globalized 21st century. Our academic program was designed to ensure that our students continue to enjoy learning. Vibrant, adaptable classrooms help students of all learning styles get the most out of their coursework and make deeper connections to the material and the real world. From the very beginning, The Epiphany School of Global Studies set out to be a school that prepared our students for life in the 21st century, emphasizing many key skills like: And while our STEM initiatives are what help make our graduates to appealing to colleges and universities across the country, we also wanted a school that placed an emphasis on communicationreading, writing, and rhetoricwith deep and meaningful exposure to the humanities. Most importantly, however, we wanted to ensure that our students would grow in their understanding of what it means to Love God and Your Neighbor as Yourself. We understood that academicsin isolationmean little without the virtues of respect, responsibility, integrity, and service. Our curriculum also reflects the importance of these universal values.