The United States Naval Academy offers two language majors, one of them is Chinese. Midshipmen who major in Chinese will study Mandarin and dive into the intricacies of Chinese language and culture. Those who graduate with a major in Chinese at the Academy will have completed 10 language courses and four collateral courses that cover Chinese history, politics, and more. Midshipmen will be able to communicate and interact with Chinese native speakers in a culturally appropriate manner. Midshipmen also have the chance to study abroad for language and cultural immersion, subsidized by the Internal Programs Office (IPO). Graduates can expect to reach near-intermediate level of proficiency in speaking, listening, and reading. They will be able to understand conversations on familiar topics and express themselves with acceptable fluency and accuracy. Midshipmen will also be expected to have a solid foundation on Chinese culture and society upon graduation. Those who graduate from the Naval Academy with a degree in Chinese have the opportunity to apply for an Olmsted Scholarship that allows U.S. military officers to commit to graduate studies for two years in a foreign university and in a foreign language. Each year, one or two officers from each of the major academies are selected after they completed 3 to 10 years of commissioned service. Graduates may also have the chance to pursue Foreign Area Officer positions and learn more about diplomacy.