Its hard to think of a place more passionate about pop culture. In Tokyo youll find multi-story arcades, galleries, cinemas, libraries, shops, and museums dedicated to gaming and your favorite pop art forms. On this 3-week cultural immersion, youll follow both tracks (one after the other) to gain a broad knowledge of all three creative arts and industries. TRACK 1 JAPANESE ART: ANIME, MANGA, AND TRADITIONAL ARTS Manga (Japanese comics) and anime (Japanese animation) have become a global phenomenon. Whats the draw for fans and creators? What makes them so compelling and unique? In classroom sessions youll study manga and anime up close, comparing and contrasting them with traditional art forms. In interactive workshops, youll engage with professional artists and create artistic works of your own. On field trips in the city, youll visit museums and cultural sites related to your studies, and learn about careers in the anime and manga industries from insiders. TRACK 2 JAPANESE VIDEO GAMES: HISTORY AND DESIGN Study up on the classics from Pac-Man and Pokemon to Super Mario and Final Fantasy and learn about game design, evolving technology and industry careers. Youll start from the beginning, tracing the history of video gaming in Japan from the golden age in the 1970s through the different generations of consoles to the current renaissance. We award millions in scholarship funds every year. Check out our Scholarship page for more information, including how to apply. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.