Get a head start on college by earning credits from Cornell online this summer. You can choose from dozens of regular university courses, work with Cornell faculty, study alongside undergraduates, and improve your college study skills. Online Courses Choose from three- or six-week online undergraduate courses, in which you’ll earn transferrable credits in a variety of subjects taught by some of Cornell’s best professors. Online courses are delivered via the web-based learning system Canvas. You’ll view the class lectures on your own schedule and complete your assignments within a scheduled time frame. Some courses may offer you the option of getting a head start on your classwork. Generally, you’ll interact with the instructor and other students via email, discussion boards, interactive chat rooms, video conferences, and/or phone. The grades and credits you earn will be recorded on an official Cornell transcript and are generally transferable toward a degree at Cornell or elsewhere. If youre selected for one Cornell’s Precollege Programs youll join about 1,000 other high school students from around the world. Choose among a wide variety of challenging programs, including: Architecture Business Computer ScienceDesign Government History Hotel Management International Relations Leadership Literature Psychology Science Social Entrepreneurship Sustainability Veterinary Medicine or design your own! After selecting your program, you’ll enroll in one or more of Cornell’s fast-paced and rigorous undergraduate courses and enjoy the rare opportunity to work closely with some of the universitys most outstanding professors. Class dates: Three-week Session 1 (May 30June 16, 2023): Online Three-week Session 2 (June 20July 7, 2023): Online Three-week Session 3 (July 10July 28, 2023): Online Six-week Session (June 20August 1, 2023): Online This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.