As the only Jewish community high school in metro Detroit,Frankel Jewish Academy provides Jewish youngadults with a challengingdual curriculum, supportive teachers, and a safe high schoolexperience that allows eachindividual to grow in their identity and prepare for a lifetime of learning and leadership. We offer Honors and AP courses in a number of subjects and over 90% of our graduates take at least one of these college-preparatory classes in their time at FJA. Our teachers, college counselors, and academic support staff set the highest standards and provide ongoing support to help students excel academically, socially, and emotionally in an environment that is simultaneously challenging and nurturing. FJA graduates have learned how to think creatively and critically and, as a result, thrive in the work they do after high school. The skills and values they have learned at FJA give all of our graduates the potential to make a difference in the world around them.