Tiegerman is a New York State approved non-public school program (K-12) for students with language disorders and developmental disabilities. Our programs focus on providing language-based learning for students to establish the foundation for their educational and social development and prepare them for a world filled with words, sentences, stories and messages. We focus on the relationship between language development and academic success. At SLCD, our mission is to identify children with language and autism spectrum disorders early to provide educational programs which will prepare them for a world filled with words, sentences, stories and messages. Language is a symbol system; it provides the means to reach out to the world. It is the most important skill that a child must learn early in life. Language provides the foundation for socializing, reading, questioning, writing and thinking. SLCD uses the Tiegerman Language Method (TLM) which is designed to stimulate and challenge children’s language development. We believe that “language is everything and everywhere,” so our children need to be immersed in language activities to learn. We teach children to talk in order to reach the person inside.