At Piedmont College, soon to be Piedmont University, 15 percent of students participate in Fine Arts academic programs, ensembles, and performances. Students receive personal attention, are passionate about their craft, and emerge as leaders who value the arts. Piedmonts newest Fine Arts venue is an all-Steinway Conservatory of Music. Piedmont students may pursue majors in Art, Art Education, Art Therapy, Music, Musical Theatre, and Theatre Arts with concentrations in Acting/Directing, Design and Technical Theatre, and Theatre for Youth, as well as minors in Film Studies and Graphic Design. The Piedmont Promise is to provide an educational experience that is personal in approach, passionate in application, and practical in impact. Faculty The student/faculty ratio is 11 to 1 and most professors hold a doctorate or the terminal degree in their field. Piedmont is known for the individual attention and one-on-one instruction provided by professors whose first commitment is to your education. Affiliation Piedmont is affiliated with the United Church of Christ (UCC) and the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (NACCC). This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.