Through its commitment to the truths of Christianity and a biblical worldview, The Kings College seeks to transform society by preparing students for careers in which they help to shape and eventually to lead strategic public and private institutions, and by supporting faculty members as they directly engage culture through writing and speaking publicly on critical issues. Four Commitments: Were dedicated to providing students an unparalleled education rooted in Christian thought and the Western tradition, right from the capital of planet Earth – Christ: Faculty and staff are confessing Christians and seek Christs preeminence in all things, giving students a model of full-bodied Christian faithfulness. – Curriculum : Students prepare for influence with a challenging curriculum centered on Politics, Philosophy, and Economics in light of a Judeo-Christian worldview. – Community: Student organizations, faculty and staff mentors, and membership in the House System embolden and encourage students. – City: Our location in the heart of New York City positions students, alumni, and faculty to shape culture for good.