The University of WisconsinMadison offers numerous arts-related degrees ranging from bachelor’s to doctorate from four schools and colleges. Many departments cross-list courses to allow students to meet their breadth requirements while working towards a degree. Some programs also offer certificates and minors. The areas of study for the arts on the UWMadison campus include the Art Department, Bolz Center for Arts Administration, Department of Art History, Department of Communication Arts, Creative Writing Program, Dance Department, Interdisciplinary Theatre Studies, Interior Architecture, Mead Witter School of Music, Textiles & Fashion Design, Department of Theatre and Drama, and Center for Visual Cultures. The UWMadison Division of the Arts’ mission is to educate, advocate and inspire through all forms of creative expression. In the spirit of the Wisconsin Idea, the Arts Institute supports and promotes a comprehensive variety of arts programs and disciplines, whether it is our own specific programs or our partners events, especially through the Arts on the Campus website. By working with numerous faculty and staff in a wide range of departments and arts-related fields, the Arts Institute is in a position to create/generate conditions for bold thinking and creative problem-solving. Together with our partners, we can further develop and support a vibrant arts community. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.