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Seven-week on-campus summer program for New York City high school students with a significant intere
The Baruch Leadership Academy's Arts & Humanities Program introduces students to the collegiate expe
Columbia University's summer immersion program includes 1-week and 3-week courses in machine learnin
The Drew Wall Street Summer Program immerses participants in financial markets. This program, held i
High school students solve a mystery while conducting an investigation and compiling evidence at the
The Summer Pre-College program at the New York School of Interior Design allows high school students
High school students will explore the beginnings of architectural world-building using Video Game en
Unleash your teen’s inner rock star with our 5-day DJ Summer Camp held at Scratch DJ Academy (in Mia
Students can spend three weeks studying college-level classes (among 7+ discipline tracks) at Barnar
Mentored biomedical research program taking place on campus at The Rockefeller University